Ant because of you not having air setup in your pond IMO I would back off. I have my feeder setup to go off 2 seconds in the morning and 1 second in the evening... but I have air also. Your BG can stand water temps into the low 90's they may not like it very much but they can stand it.... The problem is warm/hot water has less D.O. in it as you know and throwing a bunch of food in the water isn't helping that situation either... unless your BG have no other way of eating in your pond I would back off.. specially if I did not have air setup. And if you do feed make it early and as late as you can in the evening... when it's cooler.. If you don't have air running and mixing your water your deeper water may not have much D.O. anyway your BG may not even be in the deepest areas...


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!