Originally Posted By: Bing
I've been at it 10 years and just now approaching getting 100 LMB or plus consistently.

Bing, I started feeding AM LMB food as soon as they would take it (year 2, Fall of 2013) and fed them twice a day up until this year. And every LMB and HSB I've cleaned (all the ones I've listed) had pellets in their bellies, except the 20 incher which had a BG in it. He was my "Walter" who's been laying-in-wait in a deeply submerged tree and has outsmarted me for over a year, breaking me off more times than I care to remember!

https://youtu.be/j_h8C_rCbgU (my emotions were similar when I finally got him out of the tree!)

I've also been removing all LMB 12-14" and under since Spring of 2015.

So other than all of the other variables involved, is it the feeding program that got them there?

Or, just plain dumb luck, which gets my vote smile .

PS - thanks by the way!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES