I'll be recording stats from now on during my culling phase, so here's what I have so far.

15", 2.5x2.25 gape, 1.6 lb 94% WR
15", 2.5x2.5" gape, 2.02 lb 119% WR
16", 3x2.75" gape, 2.0 lb, 95% WR
16.5", 3x3" gape, 2.48 lb 105% WR
16.75", 3x3" gape, 2.97 lb 120% WR
17.25", 3x2.75 gape, 3.3 lb 121% WR
17.5", 2.75x2.5 gape, 2.77 lb, 107% WR
18", 2x1.75 gape, 2.66 lb 85% WR

18", 2"x1.85, 2.73 lb WR unknown
19", 2" gape, 3.17 lb WR unknown

Is there any information from BG or HBG that could/would be of value? I've already cleaned well over 300. Biggest one so far was 1.68 lb!

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES