Bill I wish also I had tested the water for clarity back then. This picture and a couple of others are all I have as I wasn't really into taking pictures back then or testing the water for clarity. But yes it was much less clear then now. But still I could see lots of things. For instance, this strange occurance, my 18 grass carp would form two groups like a train and swim head to tail around large circles in the pond. I could easily see this all over the pond. Another thing I saw, I was setting on the deck and hear a loud slupping sound. I looked down and a large Israeli Carp was sucking down the FA that was floating on top of the water. You would have thought he would only be eating the new tender FA growing on the bottom. I have the advantage of being retired and closely observing my pond. Just the other day I was feeding my minnows and a large bullfrog was setting on some vegetation when a large Golden Shiner got to close and the bull frog dove into the water and grabbed him, came back up and continnued to swallow him.