The lake is about 30 acres with about 4 being only 2 feet due to the Army Corp being involved 18 years ago when we built it. It was the height of wet lands craziness. They claimed we were covering 4 acres of wet lands, so we had to have about the same amount of shallow water. The rest of the lake is from 10 to 12 feet with a hole of 14 with the average being about 7 or 8. There is a creek that we covered, so there is some deep water there also. One can see it on Google just north of Bloomfield, IN.

Thanks for your comments.

My trout line has not caught anymore big catfish, so perhaps I have gotten most of those.

We just got an inch or so of rain. Smells good. Will keep the lake up for a while, but obviously more important for the farmers.

TC. Goodnight.

Tooger Smith