Well I am not an expert on this, but I can tell you this. What you want to do, (reduce your muck in your pond) takes money and or time and patience.

I too have used Muckaway and wasn't that thrilled with it. I have used a product called C-Flo and like it but it's still a slow process and you GOT to have air running.

Im not sure what you mean by you can't keep your pump clear? Your pump should be up on the shore in a box or some kind of crate or something... preferably up off the ground. Or are you talking about your air station that is out in the water? If so that should be set on something to get it up off the ground and help keep it clean from the muck. Your air station needs to be around 6 to 10 inches up off the ground. Buy a timer and put on the pump to at least run 8 to 10 hours a night. Once you feel you have the clogged issue taken care of. I have mine on a timer and it runs from dusk till dawn or I can set it for 4/6/ or 8 hours a day at night when you need air the most.

Other than that there is not easy way to remove it. If there was everyone would be doing it!! smile

Good Luck

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!