Actually and this is just me thinking... haha, if that shallow area is not real wide and only 3 to 5 feet and if it was close by the house I would experiment just for fun and pound a pole into the shallow end and setup a trolling motor on the pole with a big ole marine battery and let the trolling motor circulate your shallow water out towards your air diffusers... You would be surprised as how much water a trolling motor can move even set at like 2 or 3 it don't have to be on 5.

At first you would have to charge your battery up every couple days depending on how long you ran the trolling motor but you could eventually think about a solar panel if it works real well and you would want to keep it running. I don't know just me brain storming...


The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!