I know I'm further south than most people like to try to stock perch, I'm an hour(ish) northeast of Memphis, but I really want to try to start some YP in my pond. I have the depth, 10 to 12 feet and it is fed by a year round natural spring so that water stays at a pretty constant, low for the area, temperature. It's generally too cold to swim in for long even in the summer.

I thought I had some perch located but that seems to have fallen through and I know I'm running short on getting them in this spring so I'm trying to find somewhere I can get 50 to 100 3" to 4" YP just to see if I can get them to grow here. It's a test for a future, larger, pond. If it works, great! If it doesn't, no big deal, I can restock a different direction then.

I'm willing to make a drive to get them too. But I need to stay reasonably close because all I have for transport is a 65 gallon water tank and a 500GPH aerator (I may get a second one just to really make it bubbly in there). My best guess is no more than 6 hours one way without really putting stress on the fish.

Trying to find YP fisheries has been "entertaining" to say the least. So I thought I would put this out here and see if anyone has any ideas?