Update on attempt to manage coontail problem. I recently purchased 40lbs. of Hydrothol 191 granules and spot treated to the label specs factoring avg. depth and coverage area. The area treated was approx. 4000 sq. ft. or 15%ish of total pond surface area. I distributed the granules directly over an area of dense coontail. 2 wks later the coontail is thriving throughout the pond (60-70% coverage) and the treated area shows very little improvement if any. My water is very clear and with the warm weather approaching my coontail crop is taking over. Very frustrating as I am loosing the battle.

Coontail is getting very thick. Should I be concerned about the overall health of the fish. I am still able to catch some healthy LMB and BG when I can get to them. Coontail is so thick it is almost impossible to retrieve a swimbait or spinner.

I am now planing to add an additional 25 triploid grass carp and considering dye? I know it will take a year or so to see any positive effects from the Carp but not sure what to do next.