Back in the mid-80's, we would make filet knives from old band saw blades. We would cut a length of saw blade about 14" long and rough grind it on a bench grinder to a basic knife shape. We made wooden handles and drilled (diamond ball nose)the blades to facilitate the handle. After the handle was finished, we'd set out countless hours rough honing those homemade knives til our hands blistered, then we'd hone to the next finer stone hour after hour. Finishing up with a fine stone, then we'd use an old leather belt. Those were some of the best knives I've ever used to clean fish and deer. They were sharp as a razor and held an edge like no body's business. If any of you ever want to build a filet knife (old school), find an old band saw blade that some machine shop is throwing in the trash...flexible as all heck too. Actually a dangerous tool. You could cut yourself and not know it for a period of time.

...when in doubt...set the hook...