Yes I fear the same thing DJ. I am in your exact same situation. My HSB are 4 to 5 pounds now my LMB are up to 20 inches and I want to stock some more HSB but I can only get 8 to 10 inch ones and not sure how to go about it at this point. Good question. Here are my very first non professional thoughts about it.

1. Could you gate off part of your pond say 10x10 with some chicken fence and let them grow for a while before you let them go? That's what I am thinking about doing. Make some kind of a round fenced type mini pool in your pond? Get them to 12 inches maybe then let them go?

2. Or you could just buy a few extra knowing some of them just might get ate??? I don't know for sure what to do either....

Anyone else have any thoughts on this??


Last edited by RC51; 04/07/16 09:27 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!