Sure, the weeds can be taken out but based on what I have learned from David it will reduce productivity dramaticly. If his pond was here in the south I would wipe out the weeds without a second thought.

by treating early and consistantly the weeds will be gone and rotted away before the ice over and that should help with DO under the ice dramaticly. With the weeds he has described consistancy will be key to keeping a healthy pond. duckweed and grow faster than kudzoo under the right conditions and can cause BOD problems during the summer. It may be necessary (and much easier) to kill all the weeds in an attempt to eradicate the water meal and duckweed. then he can let other more desirable weeds/habitat grow back and keep it under control with Reward.

If the pond were here and the outflow was minimal i would treat with floridone get rid of all the weeds and put in 15 grass carp per acre. If water is flowing, floridone is not an option. there is no legal choice but to treat with Reward.