Operation Koi removal has commenced again.............

Used the Corn kernel trick seemed to work great...Actually every thing seemed to want to eat the corn. Caught a few sunfish as well ...

Landed two big koi and one broke me off. It sure is easy to underestimate how strong a swimmer/fighter those carp can be.

Once I landed a couple fish the commotion spooked the rest of them off so that was it for the day. Those Koi/Carp sure are smart...

this makes 17 total koi removed so far ........

I think the bigger one was about 24 inches long or so.
Now if I could just get some one to buy these koi from me...LOL

Last edited by BobbyRice; 03/21/16 02:49 PM.

Goofing off is a slang term for engaging in recreation or an idle pastime while obligations of work or society are neglected........... Wikipedia