Thanks for the help men!

IN the top pictures of the carp/goldfish, if you look at the 2nd and 4th picture down you can see little brown dots on the scales where the lateral line might be? I thought I was seeing that on my fish and I knew from this forum that the GSH lateral line should dip down. So I was banking on the dots being more or less 'straight' as these were goldfish.

Thanks for the tip for looking at the dorsal fin. I'll see if it is longer as in carp vs the triangular sail looking thing in the GSH. I'll see if I can feel that single hard bony ray.

I can't really make out fleshy lips as many of them are smaller yet.

Using color of the scales has been hard for me as they tend to have a golden silvery hue in the younger ones (kind of like picture #4 above)

Thunderstorms, and heavy wind today 50+ mph, not sure how much harvesting I can do tonight but eager to get more out if they are still hungry for pellets.