Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson
We tried trapping them but the fellows won't hardly go in the traps around here. I have found that folks love to get hog meat if I clean them and call them.... Lol.... Which I do.. Cause it just ain't right to waste this free meat. I give the edible ones to anyone that wants them

Yes if I gut, clean, quarter, and have in a cooler, I can usually find someone that will come get it. Sometimes I will cut down the back and get a back strap. It is quick and easy and allows easier access for the wildlife. But nothing really goes to waste when you leave it. From the worm to the coyote and everything in between consumes every bite. And everything getting to eat is supposed to be there, the pigs aren't. To me it is no different than cutting the fins on the BG to feed to the bass. Everything has to eat.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.