I keep reading and reading different threads; now I almost afraid to do anything. Stock crappies and carp and walk away! All kidding aside I've learned a lot. I guess I am going to have to go to work and test some water; this is supposed to be fun not work. A lot of terrestrial habitat manipulation is less of a science, but has less risk and returns I think.(more of an open system) I'm going to try alfalfa bales for an algal bloom. I'm going to stock the biggest HBG that I can get and FM. I already own a wildlife feeder that I will turn into a fish feeder in the summer. I will let you all know how it goes. I'm only going to put FH in the back pond for now. Build up the forage base and work on getting some aeration out there. Then I might go with the YP, SB, and RES fishery. I'm hesitant because those species seem harder to get here plus I think there is less interest in those species from my family. I might just go CC or another sunfish and LM pond of some kind. I am not afraid to be very active in my management, but I live so far away I cannot commit to being super hands on. I need a pond that will run itself and be fun when I need it to be.