Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
I was thinking, could I buy some cheap food grade barrels on craigslist? They about give them away. I would go for probably the 30 gallon size in plastic. This place also has some cool looking 15 and 30 gallon steel barrels. Never saw those before!

plastic and steel barrels for spawning beds

I could cut them up. The bottom of the barrel makes a good sized 'tub'. I should make the sides what, 8"?? 12"?? fill with gravel and place them in the shallows and dig them in the ground a bit? But with one barrel I can cut the top and bottom, but then there are probably 24-30" left for the middle section to be cut into 2 maybe 3 more hoops.

Do these middle hoops HAVE to have a bottom? Or can I just place the rings in the pond and fill with gravel? Would a simple piece of vinyl tarp work for a bottom so the gravel won't disappear into the pond bottom?

Other ideas for make shift spawning beds?

How high off the bottom is too high?

I know the PS, RES, BG etc can probably just as easily make their own in the shallow sandy areas too.

I have RES only but was thinking of trying a few PS as well if I can source locally.

And one last afterthought if I may, I see i can source 'nonfoodgrade' 55 gallon plastic barrels easier and more cheaply. Is the diameter of the 55 gallon size too large? If so, I could take the 'hoops', cut one side and overlap to reduce diameter and still use them that way perhaps...

CC-This look familiar?

Got a bunch from a place on Maple Island by me.

I have a number of 30G closed top plastic barrels that had Sunny Delight or Dr. Pepper concentrate in, that are going to be in an auction this spring, but if you want a couple, I'll save them out for you. White are SD and Blue are Dr.P. Been rinsed out really well with the best well water quality in the state of MI.

Also have a bunch of the same but 55G that I made planters out of. Those are going into a large roll off dumpster for spring clean up. You can have those if you like.

Groenink's in Nunica usually has a good supply of barrels for less money.