Originally Posted By: SetterGuy
I wish I had greener algae, rather than the brown I get. I wonder if it's from the feeder? I only feed 4 seconds a day, but it's a long 4 seconds with my feeder. I usually have very calm water in the woods, so not a lot of wave action. Every now and then I would get a whiff of a sulphur smell. In the canoe, on a very calm day. I have not fertilized the water, but I have put down fertilizer on the new fescue around the pond, and I know the alfalfa fields above the pond get nutrients. I know the oak leaves that fall into the pond every fall by the millions add to brownish color also.

I tested garden netting this Autumn. Caught a lot of leaves as they blew down toward the water. Some wood stakes, some netting, and a few minutes of time. Might consider it for next Autumn at your pond. Easy install, easy removal, and inexpensive.