Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1
Someone suggested you turn off the heaters? Why?

Your water temp already seems a little low for optimum bacterial production. Am I missing something?

I don't think anyone directly suggested it, but I wasn't sure if they were worth it for just 10 degrees above room temperature.

As a solution I decided that it's probably time to get around to insulating the tanks. Before I wasn't able to, because everything was right up against the wall and I couldn't move anything because of how they were pipes together. To fix this, I have now removed the pvc pipes that connected the IBC to the filter barrels. I replaced it with a hose, and I also put a valve in it as well. Now I should be able to get in there with the forklift and pull everything out into the open so I can insulate it.

One last question, how many pumpkinseeds should I start out with? I found a source that ships them. They charge $70 for shipping, plus 7 dollars per fish. I was thinking about ordering 10 to make sure I get an adequate mix between males and females. The guy I emailed said they are 2-3 inches now, and they will be big enough to spawn by this spring. Does this sounds right?

Thanks again everyone for the help