Aquarium purchase from Petsmart. I am not to sure I am petsmart when it comes to raising fish in a glass container but never the less, I am on my way. smile After comparison shopping with Petco, I made a 29 gal purchase. I made an aquarium purchase from Petco about a month ago with 2-10 gal aquariums. A month ago I used a cast net to acquire some Tilapia from my pond and transferred 5 fish to the 2 aquariums. And yesterday I caught another 5 from the pond. I lost 3 of the first five due to my not changing out the water often enough in the 2 aquariums, so I am starting over so to speak. And with the colder weather upon us, I may not have the opportunity to catch any more Tp as the water will be cooling down soon in the pond. I can't believe the Tp are still thriving in the pond in late Dec, early January. I need to keep these aquarium Tp alive. My goal is to learn what it takes to raise Tp indoors for the winter. How to get reproduction through spawning the fish and anything else I might learn that would be useful in pond mgt. Any recommendations here from you guys would be helpful. My losing 3 out of 5 fish shows how I am not to petsmart.


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