I don't know what trappers are getting for the pelts, but I was surfing the web and saw that Otter meat sells for $40-$50/lb. The article indicated that it is a dark meat that cooks up like pork. I make a variety of blends of sausage as a hobby. I've never eaten Otter, but might try it with 50/50 pork butt in sausage if I could secure a fresh kill. I saw an otter / pork sausage blend online selling for $25/lb. Truly incredible. I'm originally from Louisiana and grew up eating what we hunted. I won't go as far to say that we ate exotic gourmet dishes....we just ate some animals (or parts thereof) that some would not even consider.

Since my last posting, I have ordered the Conibear (body grip) traps. They should be in in the next couple of days. I need to get this nuisance eradicated.

...when in doubt...set the hook...