After 3 days of removing tree's and brush I have cleared enough of the dam road to bust open the section with the pipe. I excavated a 2' wide and slightly deeper trench than needed to de-water the pond to the desired level. I will pump it down further with my 2" pump after the water rush subsides. We are supposed to get rain Sunday so watching the weather and waiting for my window.

Upon further review I am debating upon making a spillway instead of a pipe but one where I can adjust the waters height. Is this even possible using steel and concrete? I like the sound of the water going out right now and would like to be able to capture that as it is also a nice location for a picnic area.

My Concept and I will try and draft it up later is to make a box with concrete but have an opening in the middle about 2' wide and 1' - 18" high. Make it wide enough to act like an anti seep collar? It would be grooved for the plate steel to slide up and down in and I can just use some all thread welded to the top and a simple nut and handle combination to adjust the height.

The rest of my mini river/spillway would be all concrete. The only thing I can not figure out is how do I get the concrete to seal correctly to the surrounding earth to prevent wicking? Was just wondering if anyone has ever tried something like this and if they could supply me with some lessons learned or pictures I would be greatly in their debt.