On a related note, My newly renovated pond is about 0.3 ac but only about 1.6 ac of grassy watershed as far as I can tell from Google Earth Pro. The area is nearly flat from N to S until the actual pond basin is reached, then drops about 6 feet as it passes the width of the pond. Terracing to obtain an additional acre of watershed might cause water to back up and cover an acre in our hayfield about three to six inches deep. Maybe I could make the terracing act like a detention pond, and drain away after it has dumped water to the main pond. I still lack 16 inches to get to full pool, and we just had 2.8 inches of rain from Thurs-Monday. Full pool is at the grassy emergency spillway, which is really just a slow back up into the hayfield edge until it spills out of the pond watershed. Kind of concerning about fish loss, since the spillway would not have much current until it gets well away from the pond.