Blazin, a couple of things. If you haven't already done it, I would go to Google Earth, and look up the historical view of the pond and see if this pond drying up is just an occasional incident, or it happens regularly. If it is an annual thing, then long term stocking goals may be tough.

Also, my personal experience with red clay is that it often has strains of sand in it, and can create leaks. A good dirt guy could probably shoot some holes, and give you a better idea of the soil makeup and possible solutions, and if they are even needed. If so, the next time it completely dries up may be a good time to deepen the pond, which looks like it has a 6-8' depth. It seems like it's been feast or famine around here for a while, and the larger volume of water you have stored during the good times, may give you a buffer when things get really dry. Perhaps even add a siphon pipe at that time also.

If you decide to go that route, then a call to Mike Otto might be the best option.
Otto's Dirt Service