Hi Bill. Thanks for the response so quickly. I appreciate your advice. That's good to know for the sandy soil. So if it's a 5:1 slope, does that mean that a 50 foot wide pond, it would be about 10 feet deep?
As far as spending any money, I was just planning to have the builder dig the hole while they are out there. Wouldn't be too much cash out. But do you think it would be a nice pond at only 8-10 feet deep. Or would it get to be stagnant stinky water?
How deep is your pond?
As for the water table, I think it is pretty static. I dug a hole this summer, when it was really dry and the creek was really low and the water was still only 14 inches below the surface. So I am not worried about that part. Just don't think it can get it deep enough for fish in the Wisconsin winter.