Bill C and Bill D,

I asked for a total of 100 fish in a 4 acre pond. Well, 4 acres at full pool anyway smile We did not count the fish, but I would bet on more than 100 by at least a few. Yes, Rex did tell me where he got them. My memory is not my best feature. I am quite sure it was North, maybe Wisconsin or Minnesota??? Sheeze, maybe he will see this and chime in.

Yes, they sure were pretty and bigger than I expected. All swam away very nicely with none looking at all stressed. I could not notice extremely distended bellies on any of them, but, 1. I didn't handle each and every fish. 2. I have NO idea how fat a YP should be this far before the spawn. 3. I am not even sure when YP will spawn in MO. I have been told to watch just after the ice goes off, or around Feb, early March.

Lots to learn.