Last weekend I saw a muskrat den in the swamp next to my lake, it was in the middle of the swamp I'd guess about 500ft away from the lake. No one goes in the swamp. Other than them creating holes is there anything a should be worried about?

Tgw1 good luck with your beaver and please keep us posted about your light. I am interested in having a bug attracting light on a floating island to feed frogs and hopefully put them in a situation to get eaten by my future SMB. I know next to nothing about RES but I think one of the biggest issues would be teaching them to stay in the light and when the bugs hit the water to eat them. Maybe a good idea would be to get one of those kiddy pools from Walmart for $15 and don't feed them for a day or two then turn the light on one night and see if they eat the bugs.

6.5 acre
YP mainly
Northern LP Michigan