Bill D - this is precisely my scenario. In terms of shape the river leading into pond is fairly narrow, 10-15 ft across, then the pond itself opens up into a large open expanse with the river flowing along the right hand side throughout. The water level and clarity are both pretty good along the bank associated with the river. Unfortunately the side across from the active flow of the river has become a sort of catch-all for leaves, debris etc. for the last 40 years. My thought was to somehow get a base level of muck out of the pond and then utilize bio pellets and possibly aeration to keep the water flowing out of the "dead" part of the pond. The river itself upstream and downstream is home to trout and it would be my dream one day to have a stocked pond but we are a long way from that dream right now.

Last edited by tipmorris; 10/26/15 05:14 PM.