Thanks guys. Good to know, iron is safe.

The reason, i can't get 2 barrels is a- Technical part is much more difficult. Leaking is more likely, which would result in a disaster. I am living 1 mile away from these pools. I can't check them all the time.
b- I have some limits. I will have couple more pools and i can't get 2 barrel filters for each.

I got a question. Temperatures dropped and my LMB started to eat much less. Is this normal?

By the way i have a bad news. All of the cats and most of the BG's are dead. I don't know what happened. It was very sudden. They were kept in an outdoor pond which i was aerating , so they would have sufficient oxygen and they were very happy. I am very sad but all the LMB and some BG's are still alive, which are the 2 species i needed more than any other fish.

Last edited by Fatih; 10/22/15 05:10 AM.