Wanted to update. Total LMB caught is at 20. The last 4 or 5 caught took quite a bit of work. Past week and one half has produced only RES. I have been going out at peak sun to see if I can spot any cruising the banks but have not seen any. Does NOT mean they are eliminated but definitely have put a substantial dent in the population. Going to continue visibly looking for them during the day and angling in the morning and evenings. I am now contending with the YP added this past Friday so I think it may continue to be some hard fishing.

Have not caught any more BG at this point but like TJ says I am convinced we will have a BG explosion next Spring. What would a BG x RES look like? A few of the stocker RES I have caught have blue coloring on the lower jaw back to the ear tab, is this indicative of a hybrid? If it is a hybrid what does that mean long term as it was an original stocker?