EngineerGuy? Welcome!

Did you meet APS at some co-op where they bag the fish with pure oxygen with your water and then haul to your pond for stoking? Did APS come to your pond to stock?

In both scenario's, taking fish out of holding water (pond side and or truck side), then placing them into new water without tempering or acclimating will cause stress. How different the water chemistries and temperatures are can range from no problems to near 100% mortalities.

My educated guess, based on stocking/seeing/replacing dead fish when time is not taken, is that your fish where neither tempered, nor acclimated and their immune systems were seriously compromised due to shock and stress.

For a combined stocking like yours, the LMB numbers and sunfish numbers sound good, but I'd say your CC numbers were high by about 350 and FHM low by about 20 pounds when stocked with LMB.

With that many CC, expect your water to stay muddy starting around Summer 2016