
The slope thing is hard to get right.

1) If the water stays at a certain level all year round, the slope can be steep to prevent weeds from growing.

2) If the water drops, a steep slope will grow weeds out of the water that are impossible to mow unless you are part goat.

3) If the water drops, a gentle slope will allow you to mow the weeds that grow when the water drops, but you will have underwater weeds to deal with.

Pick your choice..........

Since I have a groundwater pond, and the water level bounces 60", I have learned that for my situation, option #3 is best.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).