Suggestions might be a good bet here and might be helpful to a guy that screws up more than he wants to admit smile
The contractor has arrived and will start today on some of the projects I want or need on the property. Forage pond will start in a couple of days from now.
Goals for the forage pond is to trap water and reduce the size of the swamp in this area and to produce additional forage for this LMB and HSB pond.
When we built my 3.5 acre watershed pond we caused a drain problem or I should say we caused a lack of drain in this area. And this caused an area of approximately 5 acres to become a swamp in the rainy season. This area held water from Feb till late July. So as a solution to this man made problem, I have decided to build a forage pond along with improving the area where it will drain to the nearby bayou.
Size of this pond depends. Plans are to trap three drains coming off the nearby higher land area. Two of these drains are drains are within 100 yds of each other and the 3rd is 100 yds away from these two. I am thinking I will catch two of these so they will drain directly into the forage pond and I will attempt the redirect the 3rd to where it will drain into the same pond. I will add a siphon to this pond to hopefully handle any possibility of overfill of this pond.
We dug a pilot hole Saturday and the soil was wet and mushy down to 6 feet and by Sunday it was holding 4' of water.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
