Cecil, you have to pay for the single payer system. I don't want to pay, I know my kids don't want to pay. An employer shouldn't have to pay for their employees if they don't want to provide that benefit. Health care is not a right, pursuing it is a right.

If people can't get jobs with health insurance then they should have studied harder in high school. Life is about choices and some choose poorly.

Our nation has very little socialism built into it and that amount of socialism allowed is spelled out so clearly in the US Constitution that even an utter moron can understand it. Health care is not one of the social programs that the feds are allowed to provide. The founders also provided a tool to change that, it's called a Constitutional amendment. The votes to get such an amendment are not there though are they? Instead we circumvent the greatest single document ever written by man and simply say that the interstate commerce clause now applies to health care, good grief. I do not trust the federal government or any man to decide what the limits of my health care should be. There are many more free minded people out there just like me, we've had it!

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.