Spent a fair amount of time talking with wifey about what we want out of the small pond and think we have a start of a plan.

I think that we are just going to stock with YP, FHM, and crayfish to start.

Also, since the pond is fed by 2 different springs coming down different channels we have a fair amount of flow in to the pond coming down stream. We will add a few trout a year later or so just to see what happens and give us a little variety.

The short term plan is to simply fish for dinner a 'lot' and if the YP population starts to out grow our ability to control them we can add a few predators then and fish accordingly. This will put us in position to have an on hand supply of YP and FHM for when the large pond is build that we can transfer over either by cutting the dam or catch and release over the top.

This does put us in the position of having to fish to control the population rather than trying to strike some biological balance with predators and prey. But I can think of worse chores that I have to do around here.