Originally Posted By: BobbyRice
Fish it out...
Toss a live minnow on a hook in front of it or try artificial....

All is not loss, just get after it and remove it.

Originally Posted By: esshup
Or a whole live nightcrawler just hooked once thru the middle. Bare hook, no weight or bobber.

I saw what I thought was a LMB a couple weeks ago when feeding. I planned on getting the minnow trap out this weekend. Catch a few tilapia fingerlings and try them as bait. After seeing what I videoed yesterday...I feel I have LMB instead of HSB (if the one that was swimming on its side when this thread started was doomed, and this is a different one...that makes at least 25% LMB...small pond, only stocked 8).

I guess what I am trying to do now is figure out what to do. If they are all LMB...do I try to fish them out? Leave them and change my management plan? If it is just one, that is if I go fishing and catch a HSB, just leave it be? If I catch a LMB, get rid of it or take a pic and release...catch another, do the same...so i can compare to see if it is different fish, or the same one again...??

If they are LMB and I leave them, then what? What do i take out next year? The original stockers or their young? Do I need to change what else is in the pond?

I really believe this pond will be dead again within a couple years due to our on-again off-again draughts. So not really worried..little frustrated in the possibily of not getting what I asked for and paid for though (whether its 2 or all 8). Also looked forward to catching the HSB...which may not happen now.

I have contacted todd.


Last edited by Boburk; 09/04/15 09:29 AM.