I am again reminding everyone to please keep this civil and non-political. It is a very important subject for those of us who are, or who plan to be, private water managers on our properties.

This is not a left/right, Republican/Democrat issue. It is a controversial and strong bipartisan issue that affects our whole nation. There are multiple senators, on both sides of the issue, who are working very hard behind the scenes with each other to try and smooth out this issue.

Our state has two very good US senators. One is a Republican, US Senator Shelly Moore Capito. The other is US Democrat senator, Joe Mansion. Both are working on resolving this issue, and want these restrictions to stay local within the state.

I know that US Senators Frankin and Klobuchar of Minnesota (Land of 10,000 Lakes) are working hard on overturning or modifying this issue because Minnesota has some of the strongest state government private/public water laws in the nation. They want them to stay local.

I believe these new guidelines will be implemented as of next week, but it will take quite some time for them to have serious effects. As we've said on Pond Boss for several years, please contact your US representatives and your US senators with your concerns.

Griping about them here, without action on your part with your elected representatives, only pits us against each other on a subject we all pretty much agree upon. It also gives us moderators ulcers when you start attacking each other, our government employees, and sometime us moderators.


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