Originally Posted By: sprkplug
I actually agree that in this case, the EPA must bear the ultimate responsibility for the water hauled to those folks. What I'm disagreeing with, is the manner in which this is portrayed by the news, and those who seemingly have an axe to grind with the EPA. Difficuilt to be objective that way.

The headline of the story linked to in this thread, make it sound as if the EPA rolled into town in a fleet of government tanker trucks, filled with contaminated water.

"EPA angers Navajos by sending water for their livestock in filthy tanks"

No, don't believe they did. The contractor hired by the EPA screwed up. If that headline would read "Contractor hired by EPA delivers tainted water", I wouldn't be posting right now. Yes, some will argue that it's splitting hairs. But to me, these small differences are important, and demonstrate what we've become as a society. It's easier, and preferable, to blame the government rather than a fellow, private citizen or business.

Who sourced those tanks?? Was it the EPA, or was it left up to that private firm? Who delivered that tainted water? Pretty sure that wasn't the EPA themselves.

You are not splitting hairs, you are making excuses for left wing ideas. Hire a contractor to build your home and your kitchen counter tops come out a wreck and there will be one person on the hook, the sub who put the granite in. The newspaper headlines should read "XYZ contractor has continued history of poor counter top installation". It's up to XYZ contractor to get their crap in order. When I manufacture firearms I have to wear every single step of the process. If a part that I have sub contracted out fails, people will be posting on the internet NOT that a sub contractor failed but that I failed. This is how personal responsibility works.

The XYZ contractor can go and post about the poor work of the sub but that's their thing. We are talking about the end user here, the farmer/indians. They were the customer and they get to complain about the contractor, not the sub.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.