Originally Posted By: stickem'
Originally Posted By: Boburk
Nice....gas smoker must be nice.


Thanks...It was originally an old stainless steel drilling console that we used on the rigs offshore. The company that I was working for had new ones manufactured and was sending (9) of these to the junk pile...so I asked for 3 of them. Gutted them out, drilled a few holes, added the SS expanded metal grate, added the burner, thermometers, and burned it out thoroughly about 450 degrees for about 3 hours the first time that I fired it up. The first smoking was 140lbs or venison / pork sausage and threw in 10lbs of chicken quarters on the top rack. The expanded metal is on a hinge and can be swung down when hanging and smoking sausage. Now with the regulator on the propane bottle set, I can just fire it up, set a pan of hickory (or red oak) sawdust on top of the plate, put sausage (or whatever) on, and forget about it for a designated period of time.

Very nice......good job!!!