My feed dealer that runs 4 feed mills has been told they have either have had their feed dealership agreement revoked or threatened to because they don't buy enough of their product. You have to wonder who's running the ship at Purina Mills and if they just want to run the ship aground.

What a way to run a business!

The person that places my orders said she won't shed a tear as they haven't seen a feed rep from them in years. She's never been impressed with their dealer and customer relations. But then neither have I and a lot of others I talk to.

I needed about 50 lbs. of fry size feed as I'm feeding quite a few more tilapia and bluegill fry this year than I anticipated. Been getting 10 lbs. at a time from Allied Aqua in Missouri but shipping gets to be a deal killer when you get up to 40 or 50 lbs.

I have a source of a different brand but it will take some driving.

Just thought I'd pass this along as there could be another hiccup in the supply chain! Sounds like the management is counting beans and shooting themselves in the foot!

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 08/17/15 09:47 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.