
Sounds like you've got prime habitat for a large mouth. I'm making the point about forage because you need to think about sustainable forage. I think the goldfish's days are numbered and once they're gone that's it.

So think about figuring out what kind of shape your sunfish population is in, because long term that will be the base forage for your bass.

I think your smallies did thier spawning for this year before you got them. They spawn a certain tempature and that is late May and Early June around here. I don't you'll be much cooler that Auburn Maine. So no baby bass for you this year most likely.

I am helping a friend who has a 1/3 acre pond. It was refurbished during the dry spell last summer and had no fish. Lots of tadpoles and leaches. I put in 17 4-6in yellow perch, 120 4in golden shiners, 8 adult pumpkinseeds and redbreasted sunfish. The sunnies promptly spawned and there lots of 1/2in fry. I hope that the shiners have also spawned as there are two very different looking fry in the pond. Additionally, my friend is trying feed with floating fish food. The shiners have shown an interest but not much. If all goes well, I intend to add 4-6 largemouth bass. But I want to see a lot of sunfish/perch fingerlings first