We have made it just over a week now with no new fish finds, I have read about some specific diseases that CC get on occasion, but they are all indiscriminate diseases, will infect the medium sized CC same as any size , and the distinct lack of any mid size CC seem to rule out them, at least for the moment.

Will have to have a look at the water sample. Despite the hot summers we occasionally have to endure, our pond never forms any "duckweed" or any type of algae that we see covering many ponds in the surrounding area, although for the last 10 years we clearly have a pretty big algae bloom, water appears to be very green, always does until winter sets in, then we can see 4 feet or more, but the visibility is still in the 18- to 20" range even at its worst, although at first glance it sure does not look like it.

The buzzards refuse to give up however, with a dozen hanging around in the big dead tree not far at all from the pond....patiently waiting.....love big birds, but they do kinda give me the creeps a little knowing they are just relaxing, waiting for death to overtake something!!

BTW, last year I was able to take some great shots of 5 bald eagles that took up that tree for a few hours resting, preening, etc. Only 90 yards from our backdoor, 5 beautiful bald eagles, took as many pics as I could, we see them occasionally flying over ( as well as the B2 bomber, we are not far from their base ) but we have never seen 5 at one time sitting in a tree. It was a great set of pics, but I could never managed to get more than 3 at a time in the tree, others were flying just over the top, landing, taking off, etc.....still.....such a wonderful day that was!