I like the new format in that it segregates the posts into topics, but it looks like people just kinda post where ever they want to, with little regard as to where they should post. So that capability is not taken full advantage of. I found the other format much easier to navigate and to understand. I consider myself to be an advanced computer user, (being a college instructor of computer courses) and yet this board is difficult to find ones way around. So I did like the old board better, but at the same time, I see the potential for this one.

In my mind, here is what would be perfect, if such exists. If there were a board that would automatically segment the posts into topics. It would have to give the post writer a menu before they began a topic. When the user clicked that he wanted to post a new topic, a menu should come up and ask, "Select a topic from the following list." His selection would be used to segregate the posts into topics. Users that wanted to simply view posts, and reply (not post a new thread) should have the capability to view all topics one by one and read all new messages for that topic. They could then go back and select another topic of interest and view those postings too.

I know that sounds a lot like what we have here, but people are not using the topics. Also, it is impossible to keep track of what messages I have already viewed with this software. One key sore spot for me is that the old board kept the messages that I have previously viewed in one color, and the messages that I had not viewed in another color. This board does not do that. I can view a message and go right back into the board and that message looks like a new one that I have never viewed. It only changes the color once I log out. It makes me often view the same message two are three times.

SO I liked the old format better because it kept track of what I had looked at. I like this ones capability to segregate topics. I would simply like to marry the twos features and delete the drawbacks.

Nick Smith