Originally Posted By: JamieE
I think some of that water loss is probably evaporation... Depending on how hot and sunny the days have been it could be all evaporation. I've heard that a pond could lose an 1" in just one hot sunny summer day, can anyone confirm this?

I hope that has something to do with it. You can see the steam coming off in the mornings. I'm a worrier. School's still out on it. I'll just keep watching. It keeps raining.. It hardly moved at all from November to March when we had almost zero moisture. April, May very little rain, June we get a lot.. So it fills right up. Once August arrives and the rain slows down, hopefully I'll be able to see a wet spot behind the dam.

9 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep.
RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (going away), SMB, and HSB (only one seen in 5 yrs) Restocked HSB (2020) Have seen one of these.
I think that's about all I should put in my little pond.
Otter attack in 2023