BB rig up a post or a cross bar of some sort and just setup a trolling motor with your battery. Unless you have a dock then attach it to dock, put it on speed 1 and let it circulate your pond. Put trolling motor about 3 feet deep or so and let it go. You would be surprised at the amount of water that trolling motor will move. I did this on my 1 acre pond and had flow all the way out 200 feet on speed 3 and if you have the right battery if will run on speed 1 for a long time. Get up the next day put it on charger and get it ready for that night. Just a thought!


P.S. A lot of folks will argue mixing water by circulation is just as good as using diffusers and a small 30 pound thrust trolling motor will do the job like crazy!!

Last edited by RC51; 07/09/15 03:13 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!