Originally Posted By: timshufflin
I'm a trout guy, I used Cutrine plus on my 1/10 acre pond doing 1/4 of it at a time. This knocked it all down and then I blued the heck out of it. Haven't had any back since, been about a month or so.

After adding dye what is your visibility? Is your pond normally FA free, if so what caused the bloom; or do you have to do this regularly?

Originally Posted By: timshufflin
I have fat heads, my trout don't seem to eat them but the fatheads sure eat my pellet feed. I feed about 20ozs. a day.

Do the fat heads eat any of the FA? The hatchery owner I just spoke to said the trout will eat the new fry, but the adult minnows are too big for trout fish food?!?