The female Redwing Blackbirds are hard working ladies getting food to feed their young. The males mostly set high up in the trees and squawk alarms. And the males will dive bomb you if you are getting too close to their young that may be learning to fly.

There are two things that make taking these photo's pretty easy and anyone can do it. First is the camera that TJ mentioned in one of his posts. It is the Cannon SX 50 HS. This wonderful camera can be bought for about $325. I have a setting on it that I can rapid fire many shots of a bird using the great telescoping lens it has. If I see a great picture in the group I save it. The second thing is I have a free copy of Photoshop 7 given to me and I self learned to use only a small part of what is in this program. So I do cheat some by enhancing and enlarging the cropped section of the photo's.

A third thing that makes this so easy is I set up my pond with vegetation that wild life likes and looks good in the photo's.

So this is all kind of funny. I entered a photo in an arts show for painters and photographers. Very sophisticated on the judging night with cake and wine and wall to wall people and the judging was from 7 to 9pm. I left at 7:30 as I was getting sleepy, I'm usually in bed at 7 and I thought I had no chance of wining anyway. A week later I got a letter in the mail that I had taken first place for amateurs. Go figure.

So I am going to try again and see what happens. I'm entering three photograph and the judging will be at the end of this month.