Originally Posted By: FireIsHot
Originally Posted By: Rainman
I'd imagine there will be a major influx of FA with all the nutrients from decayed grasses that died in the drought now being flushed into the ponds/lakes rather than being absorbed into the local soils from softer rain events.

After the 2-3 years drought broke in the Midwest, FA reports were common with customers saying they'd never had close to the coverage seen.

Rex, the FA scenario was exactly what I was expecting. But, FA has been almost nonexistent this spring. What I did see happen was high tannins, and an early start to aquatic growth. The coontail not only started early, it exploded with the additional nutrients. I'll never figure all this out.

Tracy, no problem at all. Just thought I'd throw it out there. I sure can't use it, so I'll keep sticking gallon jugs of fertilizer under the junk in the back of highflyer's truck. He'll never read this thread, so I'm safe.

With all the rain you guys got, the decay nutrients may have just flowed right on through your ponds into the gulf....