Maybe you have some solution I can try. Since we put our pond in last July I have managed to train TRUMP, our dog, in some areas. When I say "let's go feed the fish"--he understands that he cannot go in water but has to come by me on dock and watch the fish for 30 minutes. When we would fish the dog would immediately jump in the water after the line/bobber. He's gotten better. He has been watching Mark fish for awhile now and has gotten 'smart'--he no longer goes in the water but stands on the side of Mark and watches the line and know when Mark has caught a fish. Poor hubby, has to hold the line up to retrieve the fish and throw back in the water which then goes the dog in the water after the fish. The answer we have to to always 'tie' the dog up to a post but he cries like a baby watching us fish or boat as he wants to be with us. Anyone, has a suggestion of what I can do to make him not want the fish--I'm shorter than my hubby the dog 'TRUMP' will get the fish. Dot