Well here is one thought. If I drove up there and saw folks fishing in the pond I would back out as quietly as I could and call the cops. Tell them I am here on the road and need your help. There are people on my property trespassing right now and it has to be stopped. I tried to confront them once and they got real ugly with me that's why I am calling you!

Then after all of that is done and the cops have them gone then I would pretend to leave for a while come back at dark 30 and sit on my porch (no lights on) sit with one of those million candle watt spot lights for when you need it and wait for them. Phone in one hand and gun if you need it! Cause you know there gonna come back and try something! As soon as you here them or know for sure it's a person trespassing call the cops again hopefully they will arrive while they are still there and bust them again! Course you know as well as I do sooner or later they are gonna catch you while your not there! But if you have on record they been busted twice on your property they will be prime suspects then the cops can go knocking on their door!!

Yes you may lose some stuff in the process or have some stuff damaged that's where you have to decide what its worth.

Or you could just sell the place and give in and let the dick heads win!! Sorry people like that just piss me off! I would randomly take time off and show up at night and all kinds of stuff if my property were only 45 minutes away that's nothing for me at 75 miles an hour. Heck I do that now and my land is 94 miles away! Get something real good on gas and start making some trips and fight for what is yours!!

Sorry that's just me talking! smile


Last edited by RC51; 06/10/15 03:09 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!